Free Vision Test

Try our new enhanced eye test version

Improve, train and test your vision. Perform tests like visual acuity (Snellen), color blindness (Ishihara), or contrast sensivity (Pellirobson) to assess your vision health.


  1. Sit approximately at arm’s length or about 50 cm (around 20 inches) away from your screen.
  2. Ensure you maintain this distance throughout the test for accuracy.
  3. At the end of the test, you will get an approximate Snellen score indicating your visual acuity.
Eye vision test – Ophthalmologist like test

Disclaimer: This vision test application is designed for informational and entertainment purposes only. It is intended to provide a basic assessment of visual acuity and is not a substitute for a professional eye examination or evaluation. The results from this test should not be used to diagnose, treat, or manage any vision or eye health conditions.